Advantage™ Description - IQ-Card (International) Limited

The Bonus Scheme
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Advantage™ Description


© IQ-Card Ltd.

The Bonus Scheme
Electronic Loyalty Systems Applications in the Retail Environment


Advantage™ is based on CubeIQ Ltd. Technology

Advantage™ is a full features Loyalty & e-Purse software system that can be used for implementing from a single merchant / single game up to multi merchant / multi game / multi channels loyalty scheme.

Advantage™ comprises of a number of software programs and uses specialized eft/pos type terminals or smart card r/w as input devices.

Retailer Benefits
Identifying and segmenting the customer base
Improved promotional and merchandising effectiveness
Modifying customers buying patterns
Providing instant payoffs at the point of sale
Accurate and comprehensive customer profiles
Targeted promotional programs ensure greater success
Opportunities to cross-sell products and services
Opportunity for additional services revenue streams by including other retailers in the scheme

Consumer Benefits
Free or discounted merchandise
Free or discounted services, such as parking and delivery
Safety: loyalty cards are more secure than cash or checks
Highly targeted programs inform consumers of the promotions that are most relevant to them

Software programs comprising Advantage™

Server Side

MDbMS: Merchant Database Management System
A database application containing the data for members (cardholders), merchants, loyalty games, loyalty games’ bonuses, e-Purse amounts, transactions' history with operation log, status log, error log, database update log and full audit trail capability. Build in report generation facility.

TDbMS: Terminal Database Management System

A database application containing the data for cards, cards’ transactions, terminals, merchants' outlets, terminals' application parameters and card black list files.
Depending of the type of card used, the system supports three (3) database schemes:
TDbMS/mg for magnetic stripe cards
TDbMS/sc for smart cards and
TDbMS/combi for both card types

DCS: Data Capture System
A communication application for capturing loyalty & e-Purse transaction data from remote terminals and storing them to the corresponding database.

TMS: Terminal Management System
A communication application for downloading application parameters (including loyalty games parameters) and card black list files to remote terminals.

WSB: Web Service Bridge
A web services bridge application for connecting internet users, merchants or cardholders, with internal database records.

C&S: Clearing & Settlement
A cross clearing & settlement MDbMS module for clearing and settlement e-purse transactions
between participating entities.

CPS: Card Personalization System
A card personalization & printing TDbMS module in case card personalization is implemented internally. The application can drive a variety of card printers supporting all available card printing technologies (emboss, indent, thermal, thermal re-transfer, laser engraving…).

KMS: Kiosk Monitoring System
Kiosks Status Monitoring system is a TDbMS/TMS module for monitoring the operating status of kiosks.

SMS: Small Message Service
A Small Message Service Management application used for forwarding marketing SMS messages to loyalty scheme members. Can be used also so accepting SMS from members (registration for lotteries).

A bridge application for connecting eft/pos terminals to the Prepaid Services Distribution Platform – PSDP system.

Client Side

A loyalty software application client for eft/pos terminals.

An e-Purse software application client for eft/pos terminals.

A loyalty software application client for kiosks integration and PC based terminals.

An e-Purse software application client for kiosks integration and PC based terminals.

A protected memory chip card application (loyalty & e-purse)

Stored & Process-able Data Groups

Cardholders personal/consuming/living habits data
Cardholders groups
Card details per cardholder
Card categories (loyalty, e-purse, gift, combo) and privileges
Merchant/Store/Operator/Terminal/Application/Application's Parameters data

Card transactions (transactions' history)
Card point and amounts spend balance (card balance)
Card bonuses historical data (bonuses history)

Loyalty games & amounts to points transformations
Loyalty games' bonuses (gifts)
Loyalty games' bonuses (gifts) point levels
Loyalty game per merchant/store/terminal

Products or products' categories per transaction (option)
Products or products' categories per card/cardholder (option)

© Copyright 2003 – 20024 IQ-Card Limited. All rights reserved.
HQ: 78 Vizantiou & Vithinia's St., 14234, Nea Ionia, Athens, Greece.
Tel:  (+30)-210-9530-242
Fax: (+30)-210-6255-672
General Inquiries: info[at]iq-card[dot]gr
Sales: sales[at]iq-card[dot]gr
Technical Support: support[at]iq-card[dot]gr
Human resources: info[at]iq-card[dot]gr

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